Tarriffs for Shippers and Consignees
Tariffs are approved by General Manager of Cargo-Vladivostok, Order issued on 06 June 2022
№ | Name of Service | Unit of Measurement | Tarriff, RUB | |
1. |
Prices for Terminal Handling: |
1.1 |
Terminal Cargo Processing (up to six hours) |
General cargo |
RUB/kg |
15,50 |
RUB/kg |
17,50 |
Heavy cargo1 (one cargo place over 80kg) |
RUB/kg |
16,75 |
Oversized2 cargo |
RUB/kg |
16,75 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/kg |
16,50 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/kg |
17,75 |
Perishable3 cargo |
RUB/kg |
16,50 |
Live animals |
RUB/kg |
17,75 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (Categories 1.4S,2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8) |
RUB/kg |
17,75 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) * |
RUB/kg |
16,50 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (Category 7) |
RUB/kg |
27,00 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/place |
1000,00 |
1.2 |
Express Terminal Cargo Handling (up to four hours before/after aircraft arrival/departure and upon written request) 4 |
1.2.1 |
Arrival cargo (four hours after arrival aircraft and upon written request) |
RUB/kg |
5,00 |
1.2.2 |
RUB/kg | 2.00 | |
1.2.3 |
Departure cargo (six hours before departure aircraft and upon written request) |
RUB/kg |
7,00 |
1.2.4 |
RUB/kg | 3.00 | |
1.3 | Terminal handling tranzit mail | RUB/kg | 15.50 | |
2. |
Price for Express Freight Delivery on Board/from Board the Aircraft |
RUB/1 B/L |
2 500,00 |
3. |
Return shipping from the aitcraft before loading |
RUB/kg |
6,00 |
4. |
Storage of cargo in Warehouse: |
4.1 |
Stowage of Cargo in CTSW (Customs Temporary Storage Warehouse) |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Heavy cargo (per one place exceeding 80 kg) |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Live animals |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Shipment |
2 000,00 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place |
2 000,00 |
5. |
Cargo Storage: |
5.1 |
Storage of Arrived Cargo in CTSW (customs temporary storage warehouse) |
First 24 hours (including the day of arrival) from the moment of storage in warehouse |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
During first 48 hours (following free storage period): |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
7,58 |
Heavy cargo (weight of one cargo place exceeds 80 kg) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
7,93 |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
7,93 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
8,69 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
21,05 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
10,12 |
Live animals |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
7,38 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
10,12 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
8,69 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
361,00 |
All subsequent hours: |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
9,30 |
Heavy cargo (weight of one cargo place exceeds 80 kg) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,82 |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,82 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
16,22 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
23,50 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
18,25 |
Live animals |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,31 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (Categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
18,25 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
16,42 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
742,83 |
5.2 |
Storage of Arrived Cargo in Warehouse |
First 24 hours (including the day of arrival) from the moment of storage in warehouse |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
During first 48 hours (following free storage period): |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
Heavy cargo (weight of one cargo place exceeds 80 kg) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
8,60 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
21,05 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
10,12 |
Live animals |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
7,73 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
10,06 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
8,64 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
361,01 |
For all subsequent days: |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
9,72 |
Heavy cargo (weight of one cargo place exceeds 80 kg) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,82 |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,82 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
16,22 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
23,50 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
18,25 |
Live animals |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
13,31 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
18,25 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
16,42 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
742,83 |
5.3 |
Storage of Cargo to be Forwarded |
On the day of shipment |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
During the first day until the day of shipment |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Free |
All subsequent days: |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
Conventional cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
6,66 |
Heavy cargo (weight of one cargo place exceeds 80 kg) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
9,74 |
Oversized cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
9,74 |
Medical supplies |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
11,08 |
Valuable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
20,45 |
Perishable cargo |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
12,31 |
Live animals |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
15,33 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (categories 2.2,3,4.1,6.1,8,9) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
12,81 |
Hazardous/dangerous cargo (no Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods required) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
11,08 |
Cargo 200 |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
420,00 |
6. |
Responsible Storage of Cargo in Warehouse (from the moment of placing cargo in warehouse until the date of removal from warehouse) |
RUB/Place/24 Hours |
10,50 |
7. |
Control and Expert Support of Dangerous Cargo by State Control Staff |
7.1 |
All dangerous cargo except 7 class of the dangerous cargo |
RUB/Service |
2 500.00 |
7.2 |
7 class of the dangerous cargo |
RUB/Service |
16 500.00 |
8. |
Radiation control ( for arrival cargo 7 category) |
Rub/Service |
7 500.00 |
9. |
Preparing of B/L5 in State Control’s Cash Desk during Sale of Freight Traffic under Agency Agreements |
International air lines |
600,00 |
Domestic air lines |
400,00 |
10. |
Registration of B/L |
RUB/One piece |
420,00 |
11. |
Use of screening equipment at client's request |
2,60 |
12. |
Additional weighing of cargo at client’s request |
2,60 |
13. |
Sending telegrams at client’s request |
RUB/Wire (DD*) |
600,00 |
14. |
Notification of consignee about cargo arrival |
RUB/Wire (DD) |
700,00 |
15. |
Message by email at client’s request |
RUB/Message |
150,00 |
16. |
Notification by email of consignee about cargo arrival |
RUB/Message |
150,00 |
17. |
Notification of consignee about cargo arrival by phone or fax |
RUB/Operation |
25,00 |
18. |
Specialized Equipment: |
Diesel forklifts up to 5 tons |
RUB/Hour |
1 100,00 |
Diesel forklifts up to 8 tons |
RUB/Hour |
1 600,00 |
19. |
Moving and presentation of cargo for customs examination (in advance, at client's request or at the request of customs authorities) |
RUB/kg |
5,00 |
20. |
Moving and presentation of cargo for veterinary or other control organizations examination (in advance, at client's request or at the request of customs authorities) |
RUB/kg |
5,00 |
21. |
Photocopying of documents at client's request |
RUB/One side |
11,00 |
22. |
Additional marking of cargo (according to customer request) |
Labels for marking hazardous/dangerous cargo |
RUB/One piece |
70,00 |
Handling marks |
RUB/One piece |
35,00 |
Signs for marking live animals |
RUB/One piece |
55,00 |
Signs for perishable cargo |
RUB/One piece |
40.00 |
23. |
Completing “Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods” |
RUB/One sheet |
2 500,00 |
24. |
Completing “Shipper’s Certification for Live Animals” |
RUB/One sheet |
2 000,00 |
25. |
Completing “Cargo Security Declaration” |
RUB/One sheet |
350,00 |
26. |
Control and Expert Support of Valuable Cargo by State Control Staff |
RUB/Service |
4 000,00 |
27. |
Provision of sealing means: |
Plastic numbered and perforated seal |
RUB/One piece |
20,00 |
28. |
Deconsolidation of arriving cargo (before loading into a vehicle of the consignee) |
RUB/kg |
5,00 |
29. |
Consolidation of shipped cargo (before registration of shipped cargo) |
RUB/kg |
6,00 |
30. |
Issue of duplicates |
RUB/per list |
80,00 |
31. |
Remarking of cargo |
RUB/One piece |
50,00 |
Notes: 1.Minimal weight of the cargo for the accounting - 10 kg. 2. Minimal weight of the cargo for the storage - 10 kg 3. Heavy cargo – weight of one place exceeds 80 kg. 4. Oversized cargo – when dimensions of one cargo place exceed 1.5 x 1.5 m. 5. Perishable cargo that requiring special storage conditions. 6. Dangerous cargo (without Declaration) - UN code 3090,2807,3091,3480,3481. 7. Service of accelerated terminal processing is applied to conventional, heavy and oversized cargo can be presented if it is possible. 8. B/L – bill of lading. 9. If you departed animails you should give special eat and water for them. 10. Services not shown in the price list are specified separately. 11. All rates include 20% VAT.